West Virginia Winlink Net, using standard RMS messages and P2P connections.You can send and receive Winlink messages using a terminal program such as Putty or AGW Terminal. Kentucky Winlink Net focusing on P2P connections. On Thursdays, our neighbors have their own nets: Going a bit further out of the region there is a North Texas Winlink Net In addition to checking in via VHF/UHF and HF RMS nodes (no TELNET please), they also hold HF Peer to Peer (P2P) sessions. Check out their website and read the All About Winlink Wednesday document (.pdf file) for more details. In addition, there is the Original Winlink Wednesday Net with net controls in Virginia. You can also use any of the standard Winlink forms or templates. Great Lakes Area Winlink Net: Wednesdays, send a message to KB8RCR with the subject of “GLAWN Date of Check-in” (example: GLAWN ), with your information in the body (FIRST NAME, CALLSIGN, CITY, COUNTY, STATE, COUNTRY). NOTE: They will accept the ICS213 forms and the new Winlink Check-in form found in the General Forms folder.All check-ins will be acknowledged, and a complete roster will be sent later in the week.Example: K8EAF, Ed, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH (VHF).In the body field enter callsign, first name, city, county, state and via what mode. Because we want operators to get started using Winlink, the Telnet check-ins are excepted. Just a one line with callsign, first name, city, county, state and via what mode (VHF, UHF, HF or Telnet.
Send a Winlink message to K8EAF any time on Wednesday.All messages will be acknowledged on Wednesday. Remember that a Winlink Net is NOT like a conventional net where all participants meet simultaneously.
#Winlink org free#
In addition to VHF and HF connections, there is a Telnet option that connects using the internet, providing an opportunity to learn the program prior to integrating it with your radio. Winlink operates much as an E-mail program and has many standardized forms such as used by the Red Cross and Incident Command System (ICS) forms used by FEMA and local EMAs. This gives a valuable capability when internet is down in a local area, allowing stations to connect to HF gateways outside of the impacted area. There are also Hybrid gateways that will relay messages when the internet is down. When a receiving station connects to the system, the CMS sends the message to the RMS that the receiving station is logged in to. The RMS gateway forwards that message to one of two redundant Common Message Servers (CMS) via internet. A station connects via RF to a VHF or HF node known as a Radio Message Server (RMS) Gateway. Winlink is a digital mode used primarily as a store and forward messaging system.
#Winlink org license#
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